The TRG offers a cutting-edge Research Programme on processes of deep-water sediment transport and deposition, linked to facies and facies architecture together with a comprehensive, associated web-delivered Knowledge Transfer Programme.
Research Portfolio
- Flow mechanics, and deposit characteristics, of turbidity currents, hybrid flow, mass flow and bottom currents, including studies of flow initiation, flow rheology and its transitions, and the occurrence of outsize events and their deposits (seismoturbidies and megabeds)
- Controls upon and characterisation of deep-water clastic architecture: channels, overbank deposits and lobes; deposition in and around complex bathymetries; stratigraphic traps; mixed turbidite-contourite systems
Outputs in each case focus on improving understanding and prediction of deposit heterogeneity.
Knowledge Transfer
- Intuitive search and download of all TRG research outputs (current and historic)
- The DMAKS relational database of deep-water clastic architecture
- Download the DMAKS brochure
- The TRG literature database of deep-water clastic bibliography, review and recommended reading
- Ongoing contact with TRG people