Geosolutions Leeds

The Turbidites Research Group


The TRG offers a cutting-edge Research Programme on processes of deep-water sediment transport and deposition, linked to facies and facies architecture together with a comprehensive, associated web-delivered Knowledge Transfer Programme. Based in Leeds University, UK, and with Associates in Europe, America and Australasia, the group is supported by UK government research funds and by the energy industry worldwide.

The aim of the TRG is to study the flow dynamics and deposits of turbidity currents and related flow types via outcrop studies, flume experiments, subsurface and metadata studies and theoretical approaches. Improved understanding of the processes involved in deposition leads to a better capacity to predict stratigraphic heterogeneity and characterise reservoir properties.

The industry-funded component of the TRG's work is organised in 3-year phases. The current 2023-25 phase is supported by AkerBP, CNOOC, ConocoPhillips, ENI, Harbour Energy, Murphy, OMV, Oxy and PetroChina. The TRG is part of Geosolutions Leeds; Geosolutions Leeds works across disciplines to deliver world leading geoscience research to underpin future energy generation, storage and consumption.

For further information on the TRG contact:
Dr. Adam McArthur (